
In This


This week’s episode is  about some of the challenges that may stop you from creating High Performance Virtual teams. Whether you’re building a team at home or at work.  As a CEO you can’t do everything yourself. 

A team that functions like a family, helps get projects completed from beginning to end, empowers strong leadership that doesn’t rely 100% on you, the CEO, because they can make their own decisions.  

The truth is teams can work in person OR virtually without losing performance or results. It’s all possible. 

There are 3 common challenges I hear most when it comes to building High Performance Virtual Teams. Listen in to hear about the ways you can create a stable foundation without losing performance or results.


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You’re listening to The New Revenue Show!

Where we go behind the scenes of how businesses launch & optimize products online to create reliable, repeatable revenue.

I’m your host Sonaya Williams. 

It’s a hard reality to leave a stranger with your baby.  

Your human baby or business baby.

I get it.

I have a Mia who is turning 5 in October and Elise who will be 3 in July.

When I was ready to get back to work after either of their births, I had to find a nanny to support me, because they were too little to start nursery school.  Mia started Nursery at 11 months and Eise when she was 1.

I had a whole process for interviewing and vetting nannies.  I used care.com because they did background checks on people who signed up with them.

Their 1st step was a phone conversation, then they would come to the house for an in-person interview with me and my husband.  We selected 2 to 3 of them to come back and spend 2 hours with us and the baby.

We lucked up and found 2 really great ladies that became family.

In this episode I am going to talk about some of the challenges that may stop you from creating High Performance Virtual teams and then discuss ways you can create a stable foundation without losing performance or results.

Whether you’re building a team at home or at work…

A team that functions like a family, helps get projects completed from beginning to end, empowers strong leadership that doesn’t rely 100% on you, the CEO, because they can make their own decisions.  

Truth is Teams can work in person OR virtually without losing performance or results. 

As a CEO you can’t do everything yourself. 

When you try to and I know you have… 

Essentially you are capping your business at whatever level it is today.

You can only go so far, and then (as you know) there’s a ceiling to what you can accomplish. 

Without a High Performance Virtual Team you are also more prone to burnout/illness. 

Here are 3 common challenges I hear most when it comes to building High Performance Virtual Teams:

First is Scared to Hire

you may have a team, but nervous to grow to the next level, especially financially.  That’s a huge commitment.  You want to make sure that you can pay people for the work they are doing to grow your business.

Second is Feeling Protective

you worry about someone taking intellectual property or leaving for a competitor or becoming one.  Or you may become reliant on them and then they leave you high and dry.

Third is Don’t How or Who

Not sure of the right way to add new hires, what order, when, how many so that you keep your team on track, and keep growing.

Let’s start by building the virtual team culture, so that you have a strong culture in place so the team is working together, optimizing, and getting results— as a family. THEN we start adding people in, but you want to create the culture FIRST.

Next you want to create a stable foundation. Otherwise you’re building a house of cards. We can’t add members without FIRST creating a happy, productive, high performance environment  for them to JOIN.

With your virtual team you want to CREATE TEAM VALUES. 


Here are core values for TCP:

Innovation & Excellence (Simple, Easy & Efficient):

Client Centric (Our Clients Matter): 

Work Together (Team & Collaboration):

Integrity First (Accountability):

Here are team values for TCP:

Be Flexible: We know that shit happens, especially since we work with tech. Things. Break. All. The. Time. It’s okay! Take responsibility for whatever is happening, and work with what you’ve got. We’re all very open and flexible, so don’t be scared to speak your mind or ask for help!

Solution-Focused: If you spot a problem, take ownership and call it out. Find a solution and share it with a team. If one problem gets ignored, it impacts everyone on the team. So even if it’s not a problem you can solve in your role, still point it out to the person that needs to know.

Communication: Always communicate. One of the keys to accomplishing our tasks and also improving our systems. Don’t hesitate to tell a team member that they forgot to do something or made a mistake. This will help everyone in the team to grow.

You might come up with some in your mind now.  

Jot down 1 or 2 values that are coming up already

So when you identify a few of your team values, share them with us by tagging @theceopartner on instagram.

When we work with companies we help you develop your team values, roll them out to your team, and implement them so that they don’t just sit on a paper in your desk drawer, but are LIVED by the team— and we do this through a Quarterly Values Assessment.

One way we do this at TCP is by hosting twice-weekly co-working sessions for our team to work on projects so that we can communicate, connect, and collaborate. 

We host one on Wednesday and one on Thursday for 2 hours each.  They are not required and everyone doesn’t join all the time.

This helps mimic the feeling of being able to chat over a desk, or check in in-person. It’s simple. 

It’s free. 

And it works. 

And it’s a GREAT first step in reconnecting your teams.

There are lots we can continue to enhance, but we always want to start with this FOUNDATION,  so that you bond everyone and build up your team culture.

I hope this episodes has given you ways to overcome the common challenges with building a High Performance Virtual Team:

  • Scared to Hire
  • Feeling Protective
  • Don’t How or Who to Hire

It’s all possible.  

One step at a time.

Thank for joining us this week on The New Revenue Show

Stay connected with us on social media @theceopartner on all platforms and at TheCEOPartner.com for all the details on building a business with reliable repeatable revenue online.

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