


You’re an established expert in your field. You’ve built your network and your business offline for years, and it’s paid off. You see clearly that there is tremendous opportunity for your work online. Maybe you have a course or program that you tried rolling out online on your own, but it didn’t work. Maybe it worked well enough… but now you want to run an even stronger campaign that reaches even more people, and you want to do it repeatedly, so it works better with each passing year. Or maybe you’ve never attempted selling an online experience before, but the time is ripe, and you want to do it right.

Here’s a great idea:

hire THE CEO PARTNER founder and chief strategist
Sonaya Williams
to envision and map out your unique path to repeat online revenue.

People hire us to create a Repeat Online Revenue Playbook when:

  • You have a course or program but need someone to create the strategy to successfully run it repeatedly online.
  • You’ve tried doing an online campaign on your own but want to do it better (or were underwhelmed by the results).
  • You may be considering hiring our team to do all the implementation for you, but you want to see the strategy first.

We’ll hand you the playbook for what it’ll take to create your repeat online revenue

The majority of our clients work with us on retainer — because that means their CEO Partner team does all the doing for them, without them having to personally manage multiple support people. They just talk to one person – their Project Manager – who then turns around and delegates tasks out to the rest of the team, which includes a Tech Manager and a Client Success concierge.

That said, we get that not everyone is looking for that level of partnership!

So the Repeat Online Revenue Playbook is “just the strategy, please” – minus the doing and the implementation.  We’ve pulled out the strategy piece, for business owners who are most interested in clearly seeing the “big picture” of what it takes to create and maintain repeat online revenue.

Each Repeat Online Revenue Playbook is created by The CEO Partner founder and chief strategist Sonaya Williams, and includes three parts:

#1 Goal – What do you want? Why is that important to you? What needs to change in order to make your goal sustainable, for you personally and for your business?

#2 Analysis – Where are you now in your business? Do you have the necessary foundations in place to increase the likelihood of long-term success? What’s working? What isn’t? What key areas must be addressed for you to achieve your repeat online revenue goals?
#3 Strategy – An overview of the specific steps to take in order to create and sustain your repeat online revenue for years to come.

What’s inside a Repeat Online Revenue Playbook?

Your Repeat Online Revenue Playbook is comprehensive, taking into account key areas we know dramatically impact results — including team; marketing message; marketing strategy; how you position, package, and price your offer; trends in your industry; operations, process, and systems; and leadership. Your Playbook is custom prepared specifically for your work and your unique challenges, questions, and opportunities.
And it will give you our field-tested, proven CEO-level view of what it takes to get and sustain repeat online revenue for your work, based on more than a decade of Sonaya designing and leading successful online campaigns for a wide range of businesses.

The Repeat Online Revenue playbook

  • Project Kick Off call with Sonaya
  • After that meeting, she’ll conduct market and industry insights research
  • You’ll receive a draft of your custom Playbook (roughly 8-10 page PDF)
  • Your Repeat Online Revenue Playbook includes Lead Generation, Profit, Delivery sections, so you know exactly what to do – or change – to get the results you want
  • You’ll meet with Sonaya again for a Review Session, where you can ask questions, and give feedback
  • We’ll put the finishing touches on your playbook and deliver it to you within 30 days of project start

$2,997 USD

Interested in a playbook, but want to have a conversation first? We’d love to speak with you and answer any questions you may have so you can buy with confidence. Click here to book a call.