
In This


In this episode I want to give you a different perspective on bravery in business.  It’s a concept I’ve been exploring called Don’t Lead, Expand.

So many times in business I hear entrepreneurs tell other entrepreneurs to just do it, make a move.  Spend 3K a month on Ads, Host a virtual event, Join that mastermind.

Essentially take the risk, it’s part of business.

Yes, entrepreneurship is risky business. 

But everything you do on the daily or your big milestones don’t have to be.

I am just like you.  

I know what it’s like to be responsible for everything – business, kids, relationships.

I know what works and I know what doesn’t

In my career I’ve worked with many businesses to build & launch digital products.

Today I want to talk to you about some of the mistakes I’ve made.


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You’re listening to The New Revenue Show!

Where we go behind the scenes of how businesses launch & optimize products online to create reliable, repeatable revenue.

I’m your host Sonaya Williams. 

In this episode I want to give you a different perspective on bravery in business.  It’s a concept I’ve been exploring called Don’t Lead, Expand.

So many times in business I hear entrepreneurs tell other entrepreneurs to just do it, make a move.  Spend 3K a month on Ads, Host a virtual event, Join that mastermind.

Essentially take the risk, it’s part of business.

Yes, entrepreneurship is risky business. 

But everything you do on the daily or your big milestones don’t have to be.

I am just like you.  

I know what it’s like to be responsible for everything – business, kids, relationships.

I know what works and I know what doesn’t

In my career I’ve worked with many businesses to build & launch digital products.

Today I want to talk to you about some of the mistakes i’ve made.

A TCP Client typically comes to us because they are looking to create new revenue from their existing body of work.  It’s likely that they are making $250K+ and are eager to get to the next revenue milestone and they don’t want to do it themselves.

We partner to implement a solid business infrastructure for the CEO and their team.

So, I can stand here today and say that I’ve built a business that i’ve dreamt of.  

But that doesn’t mean it was or is easy… with a team, clients and children… there are the things that are out of my control.

Like sick kids needing to be home, which leads to me not focused and working at capacity for the days they are sick.

Like a new team member not following the process and taking down a client page during a launch.

Or a client constantly missing deadlines that delay the project delivery by weeks.

But in the end I am in control of my time & the choices I get to make daily.

#Truthtalk It didn’t start that way. . .

One thing I’ve learned is to become appreciative of taking a step back.

In order to get where you want to be you must trace back where you came from.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 10 years.
In 2011, I left my job as Sr. Financial Systems Analyst as a major brokerage company with a six figure salary.

Not bad for someone who spent her early years in remedial math and reading.

I was the child that was pulled out of class on Tuesday for the special math class then on Thursdays for the special reading class.

This wasn’t just a short period of time.  This happened for 3 to 4 years.

At the time it was a big deal.

My friends got to play outside or go home after school while I had to stay and work harder.  This instilled a certain work ethic in me.

In my final year of high school I began working with kids.

Everyone presumed I was going to be a teacher because of how I worked with kids and ran summer schools throughout  College.

Instead I ended up being the CEO

My mother was a single parent.  She worked 2 jobs to make sure I had everything I needed.  Later in life she shared with me that she always dreamt of being a chef.

One of my biggest drivers for being in business was to have a different reality for my kids to be fully present without having to sacrifice my own dreams.

Today I’ve built a company around the core value of being there for my girls, nurturing communities for mostly women in business, and encouraging women to be financially literate.

Everyone has a story

Ok as kids you don’t get to choose your story or experience

But as a business owner and adults you create your story

For me it’s not about leaping and jumping.  There are other ways to be brave in business

All of my wins & failures in business have happened when I have been brave.

2011 – Started business

  • Replaced my income within 9 months
  • Expansion required me to learn how to build a business while working.  I worked part time for 6 months while I figured out how to build a solid business

2014 – Met my husband and lost $20K

  • No vacation since starting business
  • Expansion required me to grow my leadership skills and work to fix broken systems and let go of team members we had outgrown.

2015 Moved to London

  • New City.  New Contact.
  • Expansion required me to learn to grow a business with a different buying culture.

2016 Had Mia & Got Married

  • Babies required a lot of attention.
  • Expansion required me to humble myself and scale business back to two clients and work 20 hours a week.

2017 Move to Copenhagen

2018 Had Elise

  • Another new city.
  • Another baby.
  • Another expansion

“Change your thoughts and you change your world. – —Norman Vincent Peale

This is not just an inspirational quote.

This is about you…

Committing 2 hours a week to developing your business

Committing to looking at your numbers each work to become financially literate about your business numbers

Mapping out your calendar rules so that you have the time to grow in your business and life

Committing to REAL business development that generate revenue not wasting time 

After 10 years my business is no longer just about me.

Between me and the team there are 7 children, some team members are married, some are single, some are in the US, some are in Europe.

Currently we operate The CEO Partner with a client across the world.

This is real life.

I guess I did end up being a teacher.

I teach the team daily to work at their best.

I teach clients daily how to be the best CEO of their life and business.

Together we partner to build thriving businesses that generate reliable repeatable revenue

So often we are told to jump and the net will appear.

Or take the leap and everything will work out.

What’s the worst that can happen.

Those haven’t worked for me.

I found there are other ways to be strategic, deliberate and planned with real intention.

Instead of the go go go go … which can just lead to chaos

I hope today I’ve given you a new perspective on ways to expand bravely in business.

If you have questions on how you can expand bravely… send them to team@theceopartner.com 

Thank for joining us this week on The New Revenue Show

Stay connected with us on social media @theceopartner on all platforms and visit TheCEOPartner.com for all the details to build a business that generates reliable repeatable revenue.

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